To Haiti

A tiny little country with a wreath of clouds around its mountains and a long coastline has been plagued by revolutions, corrupt political leaders, poverty and now a devastating earthquake.

Jasmin Joseph (b. 1923) Caribbean Village, 1983
Christie’s, New York: September 3, 2008

Haiti was once a rich and flourishing country. It is now the poorest country in the Western world.

Wilson Bigaud (b. 1931), La Ronde, 1953
Christie's East: May 19, 1992

They have an old religion, an old oral history, and an old mythology woven into a complex cultural foundation.

Hector Hyppolite, (1894-1948), La Dauration l’amour (The Adoration of Love), 1946-48 Milwaukee Art Museum

Haiti has one of the richest visual spirits. Sparkling with vitality, Haitian art has an unprecedented openness and honesty.

Wilson Bigaud, Haitian Market Scene (date unknown) ; Sloans & Kenyon: Chevy Chase, MD; February 11, 2007

Haitians are not ordinary people, they are visionaries.

Salnave Philippe-Auguste (b. 1908), Flamingoes, c. 1962-1964

Wishes to them that their courage and strength will point the way toward a hopeful future. I hope their spirit will rise once more.

Rigaud Benoit (b. 1911), The Healing of the Sick, c.1964

Top image: Hector Hyppolite (1894-1948), St Francis and the Christ Child, 1946-1948 ; Last two images from the book Haitain Art by Ute Stebich, 1978. Erzulie, the Voodoo goddess of love, is known for her love of flamingoes.