happy birthday friend images

happy birthday friend images. happy birthday friend
  • happy birthday friend

  • DoFoT9
    Jul 11, 02:39 PM
    ^^ yeh i agree! would be nice to get a new bunch of people on having a crack.

    happy birthday friend images. Dear friend, happy birthday
  • Dear friend, happy birthday

  • Yvan256
    Nov 16, 07:55 PM
    It's quite simple. AMD bought ATI. If Apple wants to use ATI GPUs in their computer, then I guess they have to talk to AMD now (at least for pricing, orders, etc).

    happy birthday friend images. Happy Birthday zyxses!
  • Happy Birthday zyxses!

  • door4
    Sep 12, 08:30 AM
    Is this new?



    It's recent.. The sys displays the Ipod menu on the TV for "media center" style browsing

    happy birthday friend images. happy birthday card
  • happy birthday card

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 19, 05:16 PM

    and the way you express yourself practically shows me why people 'diss' all your gadgets.

    Here in England thats a pretty common figure of speech that people use all the time. It doesn't mean literally ages. I forgot this was an American forum, but what does that have to do with anything anyway?

    happy birthday friend images. Happy Birthday To My Dear
  • Happy Birthday To My Dear

  • Mexbearpig
    Apr 11, 04:35 PM
    Bought these little sunglasses to last me for the week in Florida on spring vacation. But hopefully they last longer.

    happy birthday friend images. happy birthday to you,
  • happy birthday to you,

  • thisisahughes
    Mar 24, 05:53 PM
    Happy Birthday Mac OS X.

    happy birthday friend images. Happy Birthday my friend
  • Happy Birthday my friend

  • koobcamuk
    Apr 5, 06:43 PM
    I've often wondered about all of the great ads that I might be missing. ...I'll be downloading this. Thanks, Apple!



    Exactly what I thought. Some people are just plan weird.

    happy birthday friend images. Happy Birthday my Friend!
  • Happy Birthday my Friend!

  • OneMike
    Apr 8, 10:38 PM
    installing the HD into your macbook pro? i'd like to know how that goes. i've seen some issues with the 1tb drives not fitting just right. (too thick)
    highest I've ever been able to install is a 750GB.

    Yes I put it in the pro. It fit without any issue. Smooth as the stock drive and ssd installs. So far I'm very happy with it.

    It is thicker 12.5 compared to the norm 9.5, but current MBPs can handle it. I can confirm 17-inch, but I did a lot of research before buying and have read about success with the 15 and 13 inch models too.

    Currently letting all my data xfer over.

    happy birthday friend images. happy birthday wishes for
  • happy birthday wishes for

  • Eric374
    Mar 19, 05:32 PM
    Here in England thats a pretty common figure of speech that people use all the time. It doesn't mean literally ages. I forgot this was an American forum, but what does that have to do with anything anyway?

    I'm from the US and I even understood what you were saying. It's just figurative language. It looks like people just want something to rant on you about.

    Same here, and I understood what you meant as well. From now on, instead of the word "ages", say "I've had my iPhone for a time, times, and half a time". That should make 'em stop and think a little!:D

    happy birthday friend images. Happy Birthday MySpace
  • Happy Birthday MySpace

  • bedifferent
    Apr 29, 07:06 PM
    I used Photoshop.

    lol :p

    happy birthday friend images. Happy Birthday, Friend.
  • Happy Birthday, Friend.

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 07:25 AM
    why would they take the uk store down if there were not going to add movies for us here!! woohoo..

    happy birthday friend images. Wish u very Happy Birthday
  • Wish u very Happy Birthday

  • benjayman2
    Apr 9, 01:21 AM
    reported the website misprint

    So how much did you nab it for with the misprint if you don't mind telling? I wish that happened to me. I've been looking a for a good m4/3 for a while, but they are all so expensive that I might as get a dslr.

    happy birthday friend images. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 16, 04:53 PM
    Hardly. Do look up "affront" in a dictionary.

    Sure it is. I find your particular brand of narrow-mindedness offensive. Therefore it is an affront.

    ...and with that you have nothing to offer me anymore... Goodbye...

    happy birthday friend images. My Sweet Friend.
  • My Sweet Friend.

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 15, 03:24 PM
    Did you ever see that Man Show video when the guys set up a table and tried to get women to sign a petition to end women's suffrage? A lot of them did, too!

    Haven't seen it but that hilarious. I find it funny how many people have no idea what suffrage means, most assume it means "suffering". :D

    happy birthday friend images. happy birthday my friend
  • happy birthday my friend

  • door4
    Sep 12, 08:12 AM
    The link from Transporter 2 includes Movies+Trailers in the URL. As does the one below it, the other two include Games+Trailers.

    Here's the full link from the Transporter 2 bit.


    Clicking that link calls up a whitepage saying Itunes store being updated ( from the US)

    happy birthday friend images. Happy Birthday Friend
  • Happy Birthday Friend

  • mantan
    Apr 15, 09:39 PM
    If competition results in innovation, why has the Windows PC not evolved into something better. Lord knows that arena is packed with competition.

    The downward pressure on prices actually inhibits innovation. R & D is the first thing to go when the pressure gets high. The focus becomes, "How can we make this cheaper?" Let that go on for a couple decades and you get such poorly made PCs that they are disposable.

    The market doesn't need the PC to evolve anymore. From a hardware perspective, most people could use hardware made 5 years ago to do the simple applications they use.

    On the other hand, PC software has evolved where there has been a need and competition drives it.

    Building things cheaper at the sake of cutting costs and innovation doesn't work. The american automobile industry is a living proof of that.

    happy birthday friend images. Photobucket middot; hope
  • Photobucket middot; hope

  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 05:15 PM
    Yeah, on Friday nights her boyfriend spends all his time on the internet obsessing over gay people. That has to do a lot for her self esteem. ;)
    Personal attacks are very mature.

    happy birthday friend images. Happy Birthday, sweet friend,
  • Happy Birthday, sweet friend,

  • twoodcc
    Apr 21, 05:58 AM
    Ouch, I know how that is, I've had to replace things that I've broken trying to fix them; not that I would actually admit to breaking anything of course :p

    It would drive me nuts being away from my computers knowing they need worked on. I guess I'm addicted - maybe... oh, I put -advmethods in the linux machines and they took off with new wu's so all is well for now. I did lose a bigadv unit on the 17th, or 14th I can't remember, when they had a glitch in one of the servers :(

    oh yeah, it's driving me nuts being away. but at least i can go on the weekends.

    yeah i lost a bigadv unit also. but hopefully things are good for now. this weekend i know i'll be working on this

    happy birthday friend images. happy birthday friend images.
  • happy birthday friend images.

  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 08:52 PM
    I finally tried playing some of the campaign tonight. I've only made it about 4 missions in, but so far I can safely say, it is the worst thing I've ever played. It is nothing but endless sequences of "monster closet" events, with little to no indication as to what you are supposed to be doing, with your crappy "Partners" doing nothing but yelling incomprehensible things at you. Quite a mess.

    Yeah. I liked MW2's campaign better. It may be because I am from the DC area so it was quite weird seeing it war torn.

    Mar 23, 11:34 AM
    Keep us posted! And MAKE SURE you keep details logs (even if it's on paper) of the date/times you notice these things. Also, you need to make sure that you take a picture of the house with the blue glow as well!

    I've been taking screenshots of when they connect to my network and writing down who is home in the neighborhood when it is connected. Also have my router set to log IP addresses just in case.

    Hahaha! Wow! I thought I would never have a reason to share my media on a 360, but for security purposes, I should :) That is amazing and stupid on your neighbor's part. See, there's reason to invest in the $100 WiFi dongle. :D

    Please do keep us posted. That may not enough for a warrant, but maybe having a cop visit either homes may be enough for someone to break. It is only down to two houses after all.

    Wow, stealing WiFi AND a X-Box 360? Any laws in your area about stealing an internet connection? :D

    Yeah, that Connect360 program is great. It even tells you the serial number of the 360s that are on your network so I know it is mine.

    I'm not too sure about stealing internet in this area. Its a college town with a ton of apartments so I'm sure there is a lot of it going on. Whether the police do anything about it or not is a mystery to me.

    Oct 3, 01:29 PM
    Like maybe a 12" MPB ?

    I'm crossing my fingers.

    Aug 7, 08:33 PM
    The Apple Cinema Displays are expensive, but these are high-end professional grade LCDs. If you're going to be using them only to surf the web and watch TV then your money is wasted -- go and get a cheap Dell instead.

    I know what I'll get when I'm looking for an LCD for my graphics work.
    Take a look at this report:

    We use EIZO and Apple Cinema Display LCDs at work (we do web and print design and photography/digital imaging), and they are worth every dollar. We would not settle for anything less.

    So in conclusion: for gaming and general web surfing, get a cheap consumer LCD. For serious graphics work, design and digital imaging, get a high-end LCD from trusted makers such as Apple, LaCie or EIZO.

    I'm sick of people whining about the Apple Cinema Displays and how Apple is "ripping" people off. Booohooo. If you're complaining, then the ACD isn't meant for you. And if you think the ACDs cost a lot, you haven't seen the prices for the EIZOs!

    Dell monitors use the exact same panel as the apple monitors do and the Dells have more features.. I think you meant that the Dells are professional grade monitors just like apple but if you want to waste your money, buy an apple display, if you want to actually save some bucks, buy a Dell.
    Don't worry, you can thank me later for correcting you. Just donate $1 to my "get a 30 inch apple display" foundation. Thanks.

    J Radical
    Jan 9, 05:01 PM
    Ha it won't play for me. The website is probably being hammered. Anyone having any luck?

    Apr 22, 09:02 PM
    Working on the IE issues.


    Thank you.
    On the iPhone safari browser it works fine.